Hello! I am Victoria, the administrator of DivInspiration.
Isn't it a wonder that we can improve our health just by a frequency solfeggio, or by holding a crystal?
The (super)natural wonders of this world show us that nature holds secrets to optimal heatlh.
There is a mysterious element to this, which is both scientific and spiritual in nature:
(1) Our body's soul weighs in matter and is theorized to leave our body after death.
(2) Feelings carry frequencies, and feelings have a hierarchy of energetic strength and influence.
(3) The double slit experiment shows that when particles are not in visual observance, matter acts as waves.
Nature invites us into a journey of self-discovery for this optimal health. In our journey of life, nature seeks to be our foundation.
Today, many authoritarian societies and systems treat nature as a resource rather than our core source.
Nature is much more intelligent than a resource. Through research, we discover that nature provides mathematical equations and scientific resolutions for optimal health, which has not oddly not surfaced into today's mainstream knowledge.
Time and time again, nature gets exploited, raped, and destroyed.
I believe that we are here to learn how to work with nature for healthy, self-driven living.
We are all recycled matter and energy, with nature at our core.
We might as well protect and nurture where we came from, starting with our body.
Many of us have bought toxic and/or underperforming products from name-brand corporations. Many of these same products end up getting lawsuits which prove signs of cancer or other severe sicknesses.
Some of us carry many years of usage history with these products. Maybe the last usage was decades ago, but without proper engagement our body can store this toxicity until it later identifies as a chronic illness. Our bodies also can age with emotional suppression, causing unnecessary pain and suffering from which some people find life unbearable.
Balance duality to find the joy in peace and comfort in health.
My goal is for you to feel inspired in what is possible when you invest in a hopeful future.
By trusting ourselves, we learn to lead by our intuition, liberating us from external narratives.
As we choose to grow and evolve, our mindset expands in envisioning possibility.
Opportunities present themselves when we live in the present moment.
Feeling joy, gratitude, or love helps us unify division within ourselves stemmed from fear of the past, future, or both.
These feelings each have their own signature frequency - as do you!
The sport of life can feel like spiritual trapezing.
The safety net below your feet is the foundation that you created, the structure in which you strengthened, and the garden of which you cultivated into fruitful abundance.
Trust fall into your own safety net. Scare yourself out of a fear of death, and inspire yourself into a love for life.
Learn to be surprised by the (super)natural powers of science.
In learning through integration, I have enacted upon inspiration from many natural health professionals by sharing their information, such as guest interviews, writer reposts, article references, and referrals from podcasts.
Browse articles, reflect through connection, empower yourself with affirmations, and leave feeling inspired.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn't. You have a uniquely individualistic journey!
As Daniel Quinn would say, "There is no one right way to live."
Become an expert in knowing yourself.