It's a serious question!
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” Attributed to Lao Tzu
The title of this article may seem like a strange question, but there’s a good reason for asking it, because, as the above quote indicates, the words we use are incredibly powerful.
If you’ve already read a number of my articles, you will be aware that I often focus on exposing stories that contain inappropriate fear-mongering, but I also provide information gathered from my research to help people make informed decisions.
My intention in these articles is to demonstrate how we are being manipulated, mainly, although not exclusively, through fear. The ‘would-be controllers’, as I refer to them, are successful with their propaganda for the most part because they have studied human psychology and have a reasonably good understanding of how the majority of people react and respond under certain conditions. Many psychological experiments have been conducted, especially in the mid- to late-20th century, that have proven how we can be manipulated in various ways.
The solution therefore requires awareness in the following ways:
to be aware of the language used by those who purport to provide us with ‘news’, or other sources of ‘information’;
to listen carefully to the information we receive from other people;
to be more thoughtful of the words we use when speaking to other people; and last but by no means least,
to be more conscious of the words we use when we talk to ourselves.
Do you for instance, tell yourself that you “can’t do something” or that you “have to do something’?
Do you think you have no choice about certain matters?
Or do you tell yourself what you “should” or “should not” do?
If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, have you ever stopped to consider whether or not what you are saying is actually true?
The reason for asking you to consider these questions is to highlight the power of our words to create our experiences and how we can sometimes trap ourselves simply through our language.
Thank you for reading Dawn’s Writings.
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